Its progression happened as the technology for films improved and, over time, it evolved into what it is today.
The software started out as a need for Jamie’s projects. Jamie’s background helped he knew what they needed and made software to reflect that. Jamie and his brother went straight to the top and created their software for the professionals in the industry. What has them stand out? Jamie ensured that his software served both the animators and the cinematographers, meeting a need for a hyper-focused niche. With multiple offices and people all working on different pieces of the businesses, it’s now at a place where it runs itself. Now, halfway through their business journey, Jamie and Dyami’s software has become the industry standard. Jamie shares the details of the software, how it works, and how it links together to make it easy for all the people involved in the same project. Running multiple companies, Jamie and Dyami work together to keep all the pieces moving.ĭragonframe is now a decade in and has become the go-to software for stop-motion films and animation – all done by word-of-mouth marketing.
In this episode, Jamie shares how Dragonframe came out of his personal need for these specific tools and how they happened to be in the right place at the right time. He followed his passion, found his niche, and met with great success. Through word-of-mouth marketing, Jamie and his brother Dyami created a software that is now industry standard. Jamie Caliri has a unique background working in the film industry, specifically in stop motion film.